Employment advocates, offering legal and support services to employees in need.  We work on a No Win - No Fee basis.

Call Us Today For A Free Consultation On: 021 427 835 or Request A Free Consultation


Advising You of Your Legal Rights

If you have been dismissed, are being bullied, made redundant or facing disciplinary procedures we will advise you of your legal rights and help you resolve what is possibly one of the worst situations in your life. If you are facing restructure, have a claim for wage or holiday pay arrears, have had a situation arise that mediation is required, we can help.

If you are looking for an exit based on breaches of the Employment Relations Act we can help you.

Disciplinary Procedures

If there is a disciplinary procedure in place, or a performance management that you think is unfair, give us a call. If you are facing restructure, have a claim for wage or holiday pay arrears, have had a situation arise that mediation is required, we can help. 

We can tell you if your 90 Day Trial Dismissal is a fair one. Sometimes they are not. 

Reliable Advice and Support

Once we have assessed your case we can contact your employer and start the process of sorting out the problem and ensure your rights are upheld.  This could mean either writing up a personal grievance or enter into to negotiations on your behalf. Talk to us about the issues you are facing, and we’ll let you know if you have a case. If there are other options available to you, we will discuss those fully with you in the initial consultation.

Mediation Assistance

We can guide and assist you through all the pathways open to employees who seek redress for being treated unfairly. This includes being there during mediation and taking your case to the Employment Relations Authority if it warrants. Our advocates are empathetic and caring. We understand what it’s like to be in your shoes and are looking for the fairest solution for you. 

Defending Your Rights

We are passionate about your rights, believe strongly that many employers do not know the full breadth of these rights and intend always to have those rights upheld on your behalf. Whether that means getting you the compensation you are owed for being treated badly, getting you the money, you have been short paid, or negotiating terms important to you, especially that apology or reference, we are there for you.

"I thought the process went well. You kept the process up to date and ensure that the employers had many avenues to resolve the situation. I would recommend you as I thought you understood the whole process and to what needed to be achieved. The process was quick and not drawn out. Also the fact that you were able to get dates for a quick outcome meant this whole unpleasant situation was not prolonged."  Abbey